Friday, June 22, 2012

No matter how Brave the Face . . .

Lyme and Fibromialgia show pain and fear in their eyes.

Megan Guthrie, aged 26, 2009

Is a Happy Ending possible?

"If things are not happy, then it is obviously not the ending"

Sandsie's Comment:
    Megan and her Mom arrived at my San Diego Center, having travelled all the way from Florida. Megan looked like a little angelic 16 year-old doll, barely able to walk. On that first day I said "Let's go upstairs to my office" and Megan asked "where is the elevator?" 
    I wanted to see how strong she was "No,we are taking the stairs." Megan made it up the first three steps. That was it.  I grabbed the back-belt of her jeans and helped her up the remaining15 steps.. 
    Megan still complains about the "super-wedgie" on that first day of her treatments. 

We will let Megan tell her story:
    "I've had numerous problems, everything from feeling like I was on the verge of insanity to passing out at work from a grand mal seizure. The main symptoms that bothered me the most were severe nerve and muscle pain in both of my legs, severe migraines, anxiety, depression, and chronic fatigue just to name a few. Pretty much every symptom that is listed under lyme disease I've had. So, to make a long story short, I went through at least 12 doctors before I finally found one that would treat me. For about 2 1/2 years I was on oral antibiotics (along with several other medications) and they never seemed to help. It finally got to the point to where my stomach couldn't handle the antibiotics anymore. I was so upset, and I had had it with waking up every day, laying in bed most of the day, taking some pain medicine to try and get up, and then never getting any relief. I felt like a prisoner in my own home, and the pain was just unbearable at times."

Sandsie's Comment:
    Sounds familiar, huh?  The same song, just a different voice singing it.

  "Finally, one day I was just so frustrated with having so much pain everyday, even with all of the pain medicine that I was on. I was determined to find a treatment that would work. I went to the computer and typed in "lyme disease treatment centers". The search results came back with "hyperbaric oxygen treatment centers". I didn't know much about this, but I did research, called a bunch of the clinics that I had found online, and finally found a great hyperbaric oxygen clinic in San Diego, CA called Healing Chambers International. I found them on, 
At this specific clinic they are very aggressive with lyme disease. They go down further than any other clinic I could find---2.8 atmospheres. This is very important for lyme disease. The lyme bacteria cannot survive in 100% oxygen. So, when you go down that far, it is pressurized so that you are breathing in 100% oxygen, and it kills the bacteria. Crazy, huh? Yet it's so simple. I don't know how to explain everything to the exact detail, but I do know that when I made the decision to find a way to go to San Diego and get these treatments, I was making a life changing decision and at the time was not even aware just how much this was going to change my life. This summer I went and got 39 hyperbaric oxygen treatments and I think it's safe to say that I am now a new person. I still am amazed at the difference between the way I felt 2 months ago compared to right now, present day.
Sandsie's Comment:
    Remember that I am retired and not plugging for any particular hyperbaric oxygen therapy  (HBOT") center. Only to use  HBOT as a valid adjunct Rx. for the treatment of Lyme and also fibromyalgia.
Important Note:     
 Regarding inflatable air-bag chambers: Recent media attention to the so called “mild HBOT” inflatable air-bag chambers is misleading.  I believe these devices cannot be adequately pressurized  and are a waste of time and money to their users in treating infections. They ARE NOT hyperbaric  oxygen chambers. They CAN NOT provide the healing effects of hyperbaric chambers where the patient breathes 100% oxygen.
1.3 ATA on Air (21.7% O2)  F.D.A. rules.Only raises  O2 saturation to 26% .

Sandsie with a bag chamber  . . ."yes, I have strong opinions on the uselessness of these in treating Lyme and other infections."
You cannot get or expect the same positive results from an inflatable chamber, mislabelled as mildHyperbarics.  Notice that the "Fife Texas A & M Study" used hospital grade chambers and pressures. Click on the link to get details on YouTube. You will also get to see Megan on the day of the "giant wedgie."

Back to Megan -- however, stop and think about mental process and the depression that she talked of . . . "Will I ever get better?" "Will I ever meet someone who loves me?" "Will I ever marry?

Sandsie's Comment:
    Twelve years of chronic illness means that when the bugs are finally dead, rehabilitation of the body is needed. Megan abandoned her addiction to soda drinks (like drinking sugar flavored battery acid), exercised. Even so, it took thirteen months of careful weaning off pain medication, under the supervision of Pain Specialist Dr, Brenton Wynne, for Megan to become medication free.
    After her HBOT sessions in San Diego, back home in Florida at last . . .
Check out Megan's eyes after the Lyme spirochete had been eradicated by HBOT
"I'm so happy and still in shock. I just cannot believe that this whole time I was suffering, there was something all along that actually works so well, and it's all natural. Now that I'm doing so much better I want to tell everyone about it so that they can get help. My family was so impressed with the way that it worked, that they decided to open up a hyperbaric clinic themselves, so we cannot wait to start helping others move on to the path of healing." 

Sandsie's Comment:
   The Guthrie Family, already in healthcare did just that. April 2011 the opened their own hyperbaric oxygen therapy center in the Florida town of Bonifay.
Megan's Mom, Vickie and her sister Paige treating patients.
     This time I am  plugging a Center. The Guthrie Family's first-hand knowledge about all aspects of Lyme allows them to treat patients with constant kindness, knowing just what the patients are going through. 

Hospital Quality at best prices  850-768-9323

Sandsie's Comment:
   Megan wrote her story in 2009. We will give her the last word her. But before we finish with Megan,  the question at the start of this post was
Is a Happy Ending possible?

"If things are not happy, then it is obviously not the ending"

I hope that maybe my story somehow might help someone out there. Please, if you are suffering from lyme disease, I've been where you are. I've felt that pain. Find a way to go to Healing Chambers International. My family had to have a fundraiser for me to raise money to go, and without a doubt it was worth it. The people that work there really do care about your health and about getting you better. They're wonderful people! So, get on it and go get better! They're waiting on you!!! Good luck to everyone and I hope you get to feeling better! Peace!!
Megan Guthrie

2012 --  Megan Guthrie-Newin with her Prince Charming Scott
Just look at Megan's eyes now! There is life after Lyme disease . . .

1 comment:

  1. Completely agree. Lyme disease include fever, headache, fatigue, and a characteristic skin rash. Hyperbaric chamber for Lyme disease is one of the best therapy for faster recovery. Thanks for sharing valuable information
