"Being this sick . . .
Never looked so GOOD"©
Why Lyme Disease Patients Get Scant Sympathy from the Healthy . . .
Introducing Jennifer, a mother, author, (currently researching her book -- part of the title are above her recent picture -- ready later this year) Jennifer has had Lyme for 26 years, been misdiagnosed and over medicated, had neurosurgery in a failed attempt to cure her blinding headaches.
Talking with Jennifer yesterday reminded me that she was possibly the second patient (out of about 70 over the last five years) that added hyperbaric oxygen therapy to her LLD response to the spirochete that did not seem to have any positive results. There could be one or two others in that group -- but the statistical results at this center were approximately the same as the Fife Trial conducted at Texas A & M.
The other was "SniperChuck", mentioned in the last blog post. There are some common denominators between both. Back to Jen'.
"I was so upset to hear about Chuck's passing. He looked so healthy" (long pause) "He told me of his depression -- I think that is because I was a fellow Limey" (a longer pause) . . .
"This is what gets to me . . . most of the men and women that I met at the San Diego HCI clinic all said that friends, relatives and spouses -- and even consulting physicians say 'you don't look sick.' I have had to endure this for fourteen years, even when I have been so ill I could hardly creep."
After a long conversation, Jennifer and I both came to the same conclusion: Physicians rely on signs, symptoms and lab' test results. If you look healthy, are not gaunt and have equivocal lab' tests, the medical algebra is "get over it -- I think you need some counseling."
In Chuck's case . . . yes he had Lyme. Consistently tested positive (the engorged tick fell out of his ear canal one night while in bed.) So he hurt and ached constantly. The masking effect of a major traffic trauma, surgery, and loads of pain-killers hid the fact that Chuck had to self diagnose his true illness . . .
Sandsie's Comment:
Even though I have retired and no longer have access to patients and chambers, I still get regular telephone calls that think of as "cross-hair" calls. I suspect that these are from representatives of the Infectious Disease Society of America (ISDA) hoping that I will either give medical advice (I am not a physician and that is District Attorney materail) or make claims that would breach Federal and State codes - to my harm..
The calls usually start this way "In your web-site, you claim that HBOT cures Lyme . Is this true?"
My standard answer is "No, it is a testimonial web-site and this is what the patients themselves say. Free standing hospital quality centers are dispensaries of the drug called oxygen and where physican's prescriptions must be lawfully filled."
Sandsie's Comment:
Even though I have retired and no longer have access to patients and chambers, I still get regular telephone calls that think of as "cross-hair" calls. I suspect that these are from representatives of the Infectious Disease Society of America (ISDA) hoping that I will either give medical advice (I am not a physician and that is District Attorney materail) or make claims that would breach Federal and State codes - to my harm..
The calls usually start this way "In your web-site, you claim that HBOT cures Lyme . Is this true?"
My standard answer is "No, it is a testimonial web-site and this is what the patients themselves say. Free standing hospital quality centers are dispensaries of the drug called oxygen and where physican's prescriptions must be lawfully filled."
Now the parallel paths of Jennifer and Chuck . . .
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity!"
Courtesy of Ridley Scott, the moving words of David Franzoni from "The Gladiator" |
""I don’t think I ever had Lyme disease, but opioid induced endocrynopathy. I determined after reading my HTPA numbers especially my testosterone went from 850 to 250. But the insurance co.'s tell the doctors what is normal. I looked up what is a normal test level is for my age and it was between 500-800, 250 is normal for a 90 plus yr old." - SniperChuck
Both Jennifer and Chuck were eventually tested for male and female hormone levels. Both were dramatically below the "normal" thresh-hold.
If you have a moment, review the SniperChuck post. For Lyme patients, I suspect there are some revelations here and some paths to pursue.
In researching the material for her book, Jennifer has traveled the World. This year she was tested for heavy metals at one of the leading institutes in Europe and the Specialist Physician was somber . . . "I have only ever seen the same high levels of uranium and other radioactive isotopes in survivors of Chernobyl." Jennifer is unaware of ever being exposed to such substances.
Of significance, in her travels around the World, Jennifer has met Lyme patients from countries such as England and Australia -- countries where the medical specialists (as in America) deny the existence of this bacteria.
What about Sniper-Chuck? Having seen combat duty and being exposed to depleted uranium from Warthog tank-buster ordnance, it would not be surprising if he too had high levels of radioactive substances.
What about other Veterans out there? What if they also have Lyme or another "stealth disabler" from service or, like Sniper-Chuck, just from a tick-bite from clearing his property?
Jennifer is a high I.Q. woman and a determined scientific sleuth. I can hardly wait to get a copy of her book, since she has insights and a number of angles that had never occurred to me.
One thing certain, Lymie's hurt constantly. Masking the pain with opiates is not the answer and the side effects are likely add further harm and dismay to these patients. And the Veterans. Remember, their PTSD, physical pain means that many will divorce, many will be jailed and every 80 minutes, one them cannot take life on this Planet any longer and leaves us at his/her own hand.
Sandsie's Comment:
Sandsie's Comment:
The primary purpose of this post on Lyme is to prompt any patient that appears to have had a successful resolution of symptoms for some years, or a Lyme patient that used hyperbaric therapy at the correct Fife -- Texas A&M pressures (100% oxygen at 2.6 ATA), they should be looking at extensive medical testing (heavy metal etc.,) for other problems such as organ damage from long exposures to pharmaceutics and toxic substances.
Courage, my heart goes out to you all.
PS A final snippet of info' from Jennifer . . . "Did you notice that the media has highlighted J.P. Morgan-Chase's CEO Jamie Dimon's excuse as to why his corporation lost $2 billion (and counting) . . . Lyme disease! Does this mean that Lyme is finally recognized?"
JP Morgan Chase's $2B Bug: How Lyme Disease Sickened The Banking Industry Titan By JOSEPH OROVIC: Subscribe to Joseph's RSS feed May 20, 2012 8:34 PM EDT
PS A final snippet of info' from Jennifer . . . "Did you notice that the media has highlighted J.P. Morgan-Chase's CEO Jamie Dimon's excuse as to why his corporation lost $2 billion (and counting) . . . Lyme disease! Does this mean that Lyme is finally recognized?"
JP Morgan Chase's $2B Bug: How Lyme Disease Sickened The Banking Industry Titan By JOSEPH OROVIC: Subscribe to Joseph's RSS feed May 20, 2012 8:34 PM EDT
The $2 billion-and-counting derivatives-trading debacle at JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM) may be traced back to misplaced trust and -- a case of Lyme disease?"
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