Wednesday, April 4, 2012

"Five days to live . . ."

Leukemia and Lymphoma
Blood cancers hyperbaric  oxygen helps banish

Carson was diagnosed with lymphoblastic leukemia and, while in the hospital, developed a severe opportunistic infection with dissementated mucormycosis during the induction phase of his chemotherapy. This usually fatal infection is not uncommon in the severely immunosuppressed patients such as Carson. The infection is so rapid and lethal, the conventional medical response is an urgent mixture of surgery (debride until bleeding tissue is found) and antifungal agents.

In a ten-day period, Carson surgeon's removed one kidney from Carson, his spleen and most of his colon. Plans were made to remove the little boy's left lung and his stomach. Staff at Rady Children’s Hospital of San Diego did not believe that Carson would survive the surgery and at the urging of Carson’s mother, herself an M.D. they considered adding hypberbaric oxygen therapy (“HBOT”) for his survival. 

They consulted local San Diego hospital-based HBOT centers and were turned away. No options to treat Carson . . . “Yes, this soft-tissue infection is covered by our guidelines. We would love to help but our wound care patients have us jammed for weeks  . . .” 

Children’s Hospital oncologist called our free-standing HBOT Center. “Yes” was our answer.  “although HBOT has been used all around the World to eradicate disseminated fungi such as mucormycosis for many years, using HBOT for mucormycosis  is unusual in the U.S. And yes, we have the skills to treat your patient, as ill as he is. Send him over.” 

Carson arrived at the Center each day, transported from hospital in a high tech ambulance with an emergency care nurse.

September 2007.  During  grand-rounds review at  Children's Hospital, Carson's progress was reviewed. It was noted that he was the only little patient that has none of the usual sequels to his maintenance chemotherapy. Unlike the other little patients, Carson's hair is growing thick and strong, he has no aches or pains and is full of bouncing vitality. In essence, a "normal" little boy. The question was raised "What is Carson doing that these other children are not doing?" The answer was "three  HBOT sessions each week!"

While Carson's HBOT Rx was to prevent the return of the fungus, the fact that his progress was greater than other little patients begged an answer to the question  "should HBOT  be a standard an adjunctive therapy for leukemia and lymphoma patients?" 

The answer could well lie in the fact that stem cells from bone marrow transplants are a common survival approach but hard to find -- "As many as 16,000 leukemia patients require a bone marrow transplant but have no matched relative or can't find a match in the national bone marrow registry -- Mary J Laughlin, M.D. Comprehensive Cancer Center and University Hospital of Cleveland Ireland Cancer Center.  November 30 -2004

CARSON  PRODUCING HIS OWN  HEALTHY STEM CELLS because of his HBOT treatments ! ! !

The miraculous recovery of Carson -- treated with HBOT for one  primary insult but demonstrating that it works for another -- is a classic example of what Professor of Medicine at University of Pennsylvania Medical School, Stephen Thom, M.D. calls "mechanistic approach to hyperbaric oxygen therapy"

In the four years since Carson was transported in to our Center for what was thought to be his last week on the face of the Planet, HCI Centers have treated many leukemia and lymphoma patients, children and adults, under the supervision of specialist oncologists,  with great success.

Carson has had over 500 HBOT sessions over a 4 year period under medical supervision.

CARSON THEN AND NOW  (note the size of Carson with the Clinic's "Welcome Dog" Socket.)

Most YouTube postings of cancer kids are memorials to a young life lost.

 Carson's is a testimony to  the determination of his physician Mom and his Dad,  and a Rady Children's Hospital of San Diego  oncologist ("Dr.  Jen") who courageously stepped out of the "boundaries of conventional cancer treatment" and performed a miracle by adding HBOT. 


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