Thursday, March 29, 2012

Time for a change in medical practice . . . Time for a Cool Change.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy ("HBOT") is used all around the world. Russia and China prescribe it for more than 80 maladies and trauma. 

Why? It costs less to brew oxygen ("God's Gunpowder") in a vat and dispense it  as high density oxygen to a patient than it costs to brew antibiotics. And -- wait for it  --  unlike pharmaceuticals THERE ARE NO NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS.

However, in the United States, oxygen is considered a drug by the FDA. Since there is a "drug dose" relationship, fair enough. However, to limit HBOT to just 13 uses (reimbursement guide-lines for insurance payments) and to keep the cost of each 90 minute treatment is scientifically unsound.

Furthermore, to keep this most effective form of medicine inaccessible to patients such as traumatic brain injury patients ("TBI") cancer patients, Lyme disease patients, Autistic Spectrum children is not only unfair, but, heartless and greedy.

It is time for a change.

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