Does Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy get
better results than Antibiotics treating Lyme Disease?
better results than Antibiotics treating Lyme Disease?
Sandsie in London -- The 'Games delayed the post |
A Letter from London, and
American Health Scientists Agree!
Sandsie's Comment:
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy ("HBO") is essentially an application of a "drug" of high density or pressurized 100% oxygen administered in a hard -hulled chamber at the appropriate pressure. The drug classification is only in the United States and by the FDA which means that you must have a prescription from a Medical Doctor - M.D., or a Doctor of Osteopathy - D.O. Naturopathic Doctors (N.D.) or Doctors of Chiropractics CANNOT lawfully write a prescription for HBO.
In essence, any hospital-quality HBO center is a dispensary, not a "treatment center." Just as you local drug store dispenses M.D. Rx. HBOT is a valid and lawful "off-label" Rx. for the treatment of Lyme disease.

A: "To date,there have be 4 double-blinded, placebo-controlled randomized controlled trial of antibiotics thery in individual with chronic Lyme disease. (Fallon et al, 2007; Klempner et al 2001; Krupp 2003.) Unfortunately, no trial has demonstrated a sustained improvement in benefit; moreover, potentially serious adverse event have occurred (Marques 2008.)" 1 . . . "The most recent study which employed of 10 weeks of intravenous ceftriaxone in the treatment arm, also showed no sustained improvement in cognitive improvement," 2
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy ("HBO") is essentially an application of a "drug" of high density or pressurized 100% oxygen administered in a hard -hulled chamber at the appropriate pressure. The drug classification is only in the United States and by the FDA which means that you must have a prescription from a Medical Doctor - M.D., or a Doctor of Osteopathy - D.O. Naturopathic Doctors (N.D.) or Doctors of Chiropractics CANNOT lawfully write a prescription for HBO.
In essence, any hospital-quality HBO center is a dispensary, not a "treatment center." Just as you local drug store dispenses M.D. Rx. HBOT is a valid and lawful "off-label" Rx. for the treatment of Lyme disease.

Lots of questions that Lymies want answered and some will be on this posting. Here are some Answers before you think of the Questions
Q: How does HBO compare with antibiotic therapy:?A: "To date,there have be 4 double-blinded, placebo-controlled randomized controlled trial of antibiotics thery in individual with chronic Lyme disease. (Fallon et al, 2007; Klempner et al 2001; Krupp 2003.) Unfortunately, no trial has demonstrated a sustained improvement in benefit; moreover, potentially serious adverse event have occurred (Marques 2008.)" 1 . . . "The most recent study which employed of 10 weeks of intravenous ceftriaxone in the treatment arm, also showed no sustained improvement in cognitive improvement," 2
Q: Is HBO more effective and faster than an antibiotic response and will it "cure" Lyme disease?
A: "It cannot be stated that HBO cures or permanently suppresses chronic Lyme disease, although it can be said that the HBO protocol used in the preliminary study at Texas A&M reduced the symptoms and greatly improved the quality of life among this series of very ill paatients . . . . It does seem clear that HBO improves or eliminated the symptoms in patients who have been treated with antibiotics for several years and have shown no further mitigation of disease symptomology. Moreover, the results described here suggest that the further improvement observed is due to HBO, which is the only factor that changed in the long-standing treatment regimen" 3
1,2,3 Quotes from KK Jain HBO Therapy in Chronic Lyme Disease -- William P. fife and caroline Fife --Texas A&M 6 year study commencing 1990

After more than 70 Lyme disease patients where most claimed "cure" at the end of a series of HBO Tx. (between 26 and 40), I had formed the opinion that the Centers that participated had over a 90% (or better) success rate.
However, note from the chart above, of 91 patients in the "Fife" study, 12% said that they had "Zero improvement."
Since patients travel from all over the World, even the low prices at the HCI centers (a twitch under $200.00 per Tx session), the overall costs can be significant. I worried for those that traveled, spent and felt that it had failed.
Allow me to introduce a young man from England. We will call him "Sean" He called the Healing Chambers "San Diego Hyperbarics Gateway Medical Center."
Sean's Story:
Just a voice on the telephone with a posh British accent . . . from London. "I have been sick for three years. How much are your sessions? I will be there next week."
On arrival, Sean explained that, since a trip to India with a troupe of dancers, he had been so ill and consulted so many Harley Street Medical Specialists. "They all denied that there was such a thing as Lyme disease. In fact, last week, when I told a top British infectious disease specialists he actually threatened me with a lock down and told me that he was going to recommend psychiatric treatment and hypnotherapy."
I may look strong right at the moment. But I have lost almost thirty pounds and have zero strength . . . you try spending a day at rehearsal, lifting a 130 lb female over your head and, especially if she misses her leaping cue. I can no longer dance."
Sandsie's Comment:
Sean spent a month in San Diego. He was taken regularly over the Mexican boarder into Tijuana by another well-meaning patient who held the conviction that some of the American "Doctors" who lived in the U.S. but had offices in that city (to avoid the FDA) could assist with Sean coping with his Herx' reactions. Because of heavy traffic, not all of Sean's HBO Tx. were on consecutive days.
Sean went back to London, somewhat disappointed. I came to believe that he was one that we "missed" and part of the 12% "zero results." I was sorry for his wasted efforts. Then, about a week ago, Sean managed to get a message through. His comments are high-lighted in yellow:
So great to hear from ya. Glad to hear you raising hell from Hawaii and also
taking it sort of easy and enjoying life must be a beautiful place to live. I
agree you have to make changes in this world but boy there is so much stuff set
in sludge, wading through to even get anywhere is so hard and time consuming,
people are asleep, sleep walking through life and out for nothing but money
greed and personal gain - we have a lot to battle against daily with our
senseless systems we created – I’ve learnt so the last few years so much dose
not work! lol! I guess you have to forgive it all and try to except everything
has limitations - but we can still forge forward to create better systems for
Aloha Sean . . .
Interesting to me that there is a change taking
place in Medicine - at least in the U.S. The Economist talks about
"Medicine and its Rivals"
will find it interesting that the most determined not to see any
complimentary medical alternatives are the Brits and the Aussie medical
fraternity. We get a lot of Australians coming to our centers. The HBO Medical "Powers-that-Be" Down-Under have a firm grip on HBO. And they all sing the same song that you have heard constantly --'THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS LYME DISEASE IN AUSTRALIA." I am beginning to believe that there is a world-wide conspiracy to hide something that is modified by crazy scientists and in so doing, shift the blame from themselves.
In a nutshell, any ailment, disease or trauma
needs to have an interdisciplinary approach -- there just is no such thing as a
"magic bullet" Rx. So, while HBOT is a solid adjunct, there are heaps
of other things needed (including iron grit) and the loss of friends and
relatives who say "Get a life -- you do not look sick."
My journey has been long and tough since I saw you but there is no
denying you helped me really so much with the great treatment and life lessons
and positive attitude. I’m so glad I came to San Diego met you and had
hyperberic, it has profoundly changed me as a person and the way see life now
in so many ways.
"Great spirits have
always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand
it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but
honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." Albert Einstein.
I was recently asked why I became an American and
did not stay in Australia. My answer was about the same as Albert's thought.
This is why you want so to return to San Diego. In essence, I was too good, too
creative in Australia and its cronyism – many in Government have a total
acceptance of mediocrity and a deep suspicion of excellence. That's you in
Since then I have
pushed every day to get my health back - the chambers really only kicked in about
a year after for me but it did, along with a whole 12 months of antibiotics
here in the U.K. It took me up a big level for sure. I have bout 75- 80-90 % of
life back and some days it feels like I’m me again totally - amazing really 6
years nearly since I fell ill so its been a long battle. I weight train 3-4
times a week now - lol!. I remember you made me use that long wooden
stick at the chambers - I was so ill I could hardly get on that shaker machine!
Now I'm lifting iron - still have a fatigue and swelling in places pain most
days in located areas but that’s lyme for ya but I’m on top of it now.
Interesting about your experience. You are not the
first. Remember your mate (I forget his name for the moment) who would make the
journey over to Mexico with you? Same thing with him. He called in at the clinic a couple of
months ago, TOTALLY well. Took about a year for him also. He is healthy - and like you - pumping iron.
Yes, it was fun to bully you with Freddie's
Polynesian Gymnasium. But it did stop a lot of the pity-party stuff. One of the
things with Lyme is the negative changes in mood and mentation. When you go
on their pages, all of these poor folk are so sad. As a supporter of these patients, need to bully, kiss-up and
cajole them . . . kindly -- they are often at the point of sticking a musket in
their mouth and then their families calling in the decorators.
LD patients that work to get better -- surely they
have my hat off to them. It takes determination and courage. Unfortunately not
all of them have that relentless drive you do.
Anyway Bob I can’t thank you enough for your work. You know what you do
is so much more than offer a treatment for many illnesses - you offer Hope.
That is priceless. You gave me hope I could get back. From my tiny flat in the
miserable rain trodden Britain I searched for something to get me better and I
found your centre, your web site ( - and it was the only offer of hope I was
given in the years of darkness. thank you mate.
Keep going and spread that message. thank you for time, effort, care in my
personal journey to getting better and your support when I was alone in the
States. I still can’t believe I got on a plane and came all the way to you guys
alone sick as a dog.
Keep in touch keep strong and I send Kind regards from bloody rainy Surrey!!!
Bloody chucking it down here today here lol!
Sandsie Learned:
- Fife et al is correct and NOT ALL Lyme Patients get better immediately on cessation of HBOT Tx.
- After the Bb bacteria is killed by the bactericidal action of HBO, the Lyme patient requires a period of rehabilitation -- with some needing a year or more of hard work to wean off pain-killers and recover from other bPHARMA insults to their immune system of many years. ("70% continued to improve at six year follow up" see Fife chart above)
Please remember that the results as shown here and demonstrated by the Fife study were in hospital grade 100% hyperbaric chambers. You cannot expect and will not get the same results from a a 4 psig air inflatable bag chamber. In fact, there are now hundreds of hospital quality chambers in U.S. free-standing centers (no, your hospital will not treat you for Lyme in their chambers) that you can actually be treated for about half the cost of purchasing one of these so-called mildHBOT(bag) chambers.
"Courage . . . Lyme is just a bug and can be eradicated. YOU CAN AND WILL GET YOUR LIFE BACK"